After a recent conversation with a female friend I could see just how divided we are on this matter. The difference is as simple as the genetic male/female makeup. Growing up with all women has made me sensitive to the female point of view. I'm no activist but I also don't need a chaperone while walking down the women's care aisle at Wal-Mart. Perhaps that's where the sensitivity and empathy end. After I shared my opinion with my friend, the tone of the conversation changed completely. And in typical 'Fred' fashion, this spurred a thought...a very deep one. "How have these allegations affected me?" Personally, there's no affect at all and I believe Bill Cosby will be proven innocent when given due process. But to her and many women worldwide, it's simply another case of yet another powerful person abusing a helpless victim. You don't say...?Special thanks to comedian Hannibal Buress who calls out Cosby in his bit. He's performed it on many stages but his routine caught the attention of the world. Not to mention, he was in 'Cosbytown', PA (Philadelphia). I find it remarkable that this story has gained traction after a black comedian called out Cosby. Has that been the missing link all these years (nearly 30)? What if a black athlete had gone on record and said believed O.J. Simpson was guilty, would that have turned the tide of public perception? You can scratch Janice Dickinson off that listPrepare for descent...Well, you and I both know the dynamics of this carnival ride by now...prepare for the big Cosby stock,off! Appearances will be canceled and shows pulled from syndication in the coming days and weeks all the whole public perception dips quicker than a kindergartener's spoon into jello! Mr. Cosby needs to address these allegations, and soon. The longer the delay, the shorter the list of supporters becomes. I hope he speaks out soon to quell the rumors, address the allegations head on and at the least, speak up for himself. I've never met Mr. Cosby and the closest I've ever come to such is when his rep informed me that he would not be doing interviews when he came to Fort Worth's Bass Hall. has this affected me?Bill Cosby is another human being...I know he's seemed other worldly because he's generally kept his nose clean all these years. If he IS actually guilty of these heinous crimes, I'd lump him in with some of my other favorite comedians who've acquainted themselves with trouble: Richard Pryor, Redd Foxx, Eddie Murphy, and Robin Williams. It's time for 'The Cos' to endure due process and I trust that justice will be served by either a conviction or exoneration
Personally, he'll always be my favorite funny man of all time but for now, these allegations are no laughing matter!
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September 2020