I'm gonna file this one on the Op-Ed side and just go for broke. While I do agree that Christians in America are being shut out as the world turns in favor of darkness, I don't completely agree with Kim Davis' denial of same sex marriage licenses. In this article, I'll detail why...I'll take as a pretty good indicator this article being unpublished on Examiner.com (typo in the headline) that it's still a hot button issue. Hotter than that, the manifold opinions flying around about it. Well here's my crack at it, this is what Fred said...
Is Kim Davis a household name,yet? The Rowan County Clerk was released from jail on Tuesday and seems to have strengthened resolve following her stint in jail for not issuing marriage licenses to gay couples in her county. What many wrangle with is the legality of Davis' marriage license denial. The bible does speak of end time persecution, but is Davis precipitating her own brand of persecution by defying the Supreme Court ruling in her county? It remains to be seen, is Davis' situation persecution or obstruction? If your calendar isn't set to 'end times', this probably won't register...close, but no rapture! With so much negative chatter surrounding it, could this spectacle be a black eye for the Kingdom? Undoubtedly, the Davis is fodder for gossip tv, talk shows and just about every social media outlet on the planet. With an ally like Mike Huckabee, you'll be seeing more of Davis than you bargained for!
Yea, and all that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution. 2 Timothy 3:12 I've got rights, right? The main premise brought up in the Kim Davis conversation is persecution. By definition, it is actually insubordination and worthy of a recall vote. Too much? Five days in jail is also overkill, in case anyone is interested. Here's the deal, what you're seeing play out is a gross misinterpretation of scripture on Davis' part. While not defending the newly awarded right to gay marriage, Davis is also free to express her belief in God that decries gay sex and forbids gay marriage. The two intersect across the counter in her office but what shouldn't be lost in all of this is citizen rights. Davis does NOT have to approve of the gay marriages validated by her signature, but she does have to fulfill the responsibilities laid out in her job description. Upon clocking in, Davis is at work for the people she serves in that county, not only those she worships with at church. In practicality Davis, whose marriage license refusal works to her discredit could benefit from a resignation. Unencumbered by her job as an elected official, she could work like Madelyn Murray O'Hair and campaign against gay marriage right there in Rowan County. O'Hair's infamous ruling eliminated corporate prayer in schools. The fruit of the righteous is a tree of life; and he that winneth souls is wise. Proverbs 11:30 In this climate, believers everywhere are going to have to seek the wisdom of God almighty when faced with circumstances like this. It will no longer be enough to operate with a religious understanding. Believers must know what God is saying in every situation and about every situation in order to face a maddened public, dissuaded against Christ. If Davis has such a problem with the ruling as it pertains to her job as an elected official, she is compelled to resign. Perhaps she could join up with the Westboro Baptist (also in Kentucky) protesters, wherever they are these days. On a serious note and with both religious and secular methods considered, here are four options for Kim Davis in lieu of denying marriage licenses:
What ever happened to evangelism? Davis came in contact with people who needed to hear the convicting gospel she stands by each day. What did she do with that opportunity? Even believers have been torn since the story broke, not sure how to balance the word with everyday legal matters. You can't legislate morality and with each ruling that goes against the word, believers must understand the new burden to evangelize and immediately pick up the slack. This includes increased vocality when there was previously no need to speak out, providing input to buffer throngs of advocates for godless agendas like the removal of the 10 Commandments or the placement of yet another Bophamet statue. County Clerk Kim Davis is not alone in this madness, however. In 2012 Texas Judge Tonya Parker, a lesbian came under fire for her unwillingness to perform heterosexual weddings in Dallas County. The judge didn't back down and was not reprimanded. To add insult to injury, Parker was re-elected in 2014 and is currently serving her latest term which expires in 2018. Parker is just as wrong as Davis and deserves some level of punishment or professional reprimand for her contribution to the hate filled drama played out in public office. All in all, this isn't about belief, it's about adherence to what the law says. What about the muslim who won't ring up ham or the pro-life cashier who refuses the purchase of contraceptives? Don't think that's relevant? Continue to celebrate Kim Davis and you'll run into that sooner than later. Again...what happened to evangelism? Are believers tethered to their professions and church affiliations, only? Does your relationship with God exist outside of work and church? Can Kim Davis shine the light of Christ as County Clerk whose signature validates gay marriages in her county? If your answer is no, perhaps your expression of God needs a retouch and enlightenment. This isn't a "God is love" or grace to all end all. This is a new question that the Lord has already answered (wise as serpents, harmless as doves. Matthew 10:16). Is the body of Christ listening? Is God calling believers off their jobs? NO and run very far away from any semblance of that message! If Davis won't resign, she's got to be forced out. How many souls are saved with her defiance? Believers can't rule out God's ability to be glorified even when adherence to His laws are seemingly trampled on.
MusingMusicianIn this blog, you will hear from Fred directly about a broad variety of subjects. Though Fred normally expresses his thoughts in his columns, he has created this space to share his most intimate thoughts concerning everyday life! Archives
September 2020