From the desk of Fred Willis, President & CEO of the SoulProsper Media Group:
It has recently been brought to my attention that various images posted on social media websites have been copied and re-posted with the SMG watermark cropped out. This is offensive, criminal in nature and must STOP immediately! Pictures and coverage provided by the SoulProsper Media Group, SoulProsper Radio and any affiliates is provided as a service to artists and consumers.
At no point is it acceptable for the SMG watermark to be cropped out or removed and the image presented as original by another entity. Even in the event that you are the subject of the image, you have no legal right to claim the image as your own. The ONLY exception occurs with the written, expressed agreement between SMG and the party receiving the image. Even in that instance SMG still retains rights to the images, but shared with said party only. Please govern yourselves accordingly.
Copyrighted images are a two way street and with respect to future interaction, SMG will not take pictures at the behest of said parties and their representation. We are not TMZ, but do understand that the freedom exists to take pictures without fear of legal recourse or retribution (just like TMZ and other tabloids). To date, the SMG photojournalism branch seeks to expand and ultimately become as successful as the SoulProsper Radio branch of SMG.
This is impossible if our images are scattered across social media without credit. In one instance, a picture was printed out and affixed to personal property (this was shown on social media). This offence is currently under review. Please understand that SMG can not suffer for our work to go without credit. Every day, we are working our hardest to increase the quality of our images to match those of other, professional photographers. Our aim is to have no equal in the broadcast media industry. This is not achieved with rampant photographic piracy afoot and will no longer be tolerated.
At no point is it acceptable for the SMG watermark to be cropped out or removed and the image presented as original by another entity. Even in the event that you are the subject of the image, you have no legal right to claim the image as your own. The ONLY exception occurs with the written, expressed agreement between SMG and the party receiving the image. Even in that instance SMG still retains rights to the images, but shared with said party only. Please govern yourselves accordingly.
Copyrighted images are a two way street and with respect to future interaction, SMG will not take pictures at the behest of said parties and their representation. We are not TMZ, but do understand that the freedom exists to take pictures without fear of legal recourse or retribution (just like TMZ and other tabloids). To date, the SMG photojournalism branch seeks to expand and ultimately become as successful as the SoulProsper Radio branch of SMG.
This is impossible if our images are scattered across social media without credit. In one instance, a picture was printed out and affixed to personal property (this was shown on social media). This offence is currently under review. Please understand that SMG can not suffer for our work to go without credit. Every day, we are working our hardest to increase the quality of our images to match those of other, professional photographers. Our aim is to have no equal in the broadcast media industry. This is not achieved with rampant photographic piracy afoot and will no longer be tolerated.
Articles and other written content:
With regard to articles and other written content created by SMG or Fred Willis, that material is also copyright protected. If you see a review of your product or event and want to share it, please do so with SMG or Fred Willis in mind. One such offence occured:
Offences of this nature WILL NOT be tolerated. All material created by Fred Willis is copyrighted to Fred Willis and SoulProsper Music or the SoulProsper Media Group. In the event that Fred writes for another publication, the material may be subject to copyright by Fred AND the publication, or solely to the publication.
- An article was requested, in exchange for full credit and disclosure, future access to event(s)
- Fred Willis obliged and placed the article in his column
- Requestor re-posted the article excluding Fred Willis as the author, instead naming "Examiner"
- Said article was un-published and removed from the column
Offences of this nature WILL NOT be tolerated. All material created by Fred Willis is copyrighted to Fred Willis and SoulProsper Music or the SoulProsper Media Group. In the event that Fred writes for another publication, the material may be subject to copyright by Fred AND the publication, or solely to the publication.
Copyrighted Material:
As a media member, the SoulProsper Media Group in good faith posts and re-posts Press Releases received from Record Labels, recording groups, media firms, churches, artists and other sources. Our decision to 'run' a press release does not award us copyright, instead we join other media outlets in 'getting the word out'. This is a service SMG gladly provides to any person or entity in search of media coverage. It should also be noted that SMG reserves the right to make the final decision in regards to press material.
Should your notice or event not make the "News You Can Use" section, it is by our discretion. Feel free to contact SMG in regards to this. The workload is cumbersome and is sometimes to blame for 'omissions' and we are apologetic that we did not/cannot serve you in your desired time frame.
Should your notice or event not make the "News You Can Use" section, it is by our discretion. Feel free to contact SMG in regards to this. The workload is cumbersome and is sometimes to blame for 'omissions' and we are apologetic that we did not/cannot serve you in your desired time frame.
Thank you for your understanding in this matter. Your cooperation means much as it is not the desire of SMG to seek out, make formal complaints and ultimately alter the working relationship we have with so many wonderful people worldwide. Our best for you is our number one desire, we believe wholeheartedly that the Lord rewards the work of our hands because our hearts are turned toward him and Kingdom Advancement only!
Along with written press material, SMG receives press quality pictures. This includes headshots as well as cd and dvd covers. These images are used with the original posting and any ongoing advertisements. Additionally, any flyers or promotional material created by the SoulProsper Media Group will contain that same image. This is not only for the sake of continuity, but for the sake of permission. Limited permissions are sometimes granted and will SMG remain complicit to the expressed limits of said permission and will act with dignity and grace in the event that no limitations are imposed.
Along with written press material, SMG receives press quality pictures. This includes headshots as well as cd and dvd covers. These images are used with the original posting and any ongoing advertisements. Additionally, any flyers or promotional material created by the SoulProsper Media Group will contain that same image. This is not only for the sake of continuity, but for the sake of permission. Limited permissions are sometimes granted and will SMG remain complicit to the expressed limits of said permission and will act with dignity and grace in the event that no limitations are imposed.
For Your Consideration...
These images has been graciously provided to SMG and SoulProsper Radio by our friend A.D. James. These images are shared with nearly each broadcast. SMG is in constant contact with Mr. James as to the direction of these images. Should a watermark be affixed in the future, we will be in full compliance!
These are the original images for SoulProsper Radio and the SoulProsper Media Group. They were designed in part by Fred Willis and designers using the website Creators on are very reasonable and these images had a very successful run as logos for SoulProsper Radio and the SoulProsper Media Group. Copyright terms were discussed before the image was secured and is the property of SMG and its affiliates, present and future.