What's the big idea?
Limitation, meet innovation...!
In Luke 19:1-10, we learn about a tax collector named Zaccheus. Zaccheus was a man of small stature who made a #BIG decision to see Jesus. 'Little' did He know, Jesus came to see him! Zaccheus' height hindered his viewpoint, so he ran ahead and climbed a tree.
When Jesus saw him, He commanded him to come down and take him to Zaccheus' house. How cool is that, he went looking for Jesus when all along, Jesus was looking for him! |
Jesus followed Zaccheus home and well, you know the rest. Not only was Zaccheus converted, his whole family was! He couldn't believe that Jesus wanted to fellowship with him, being a tax collector.
Brother Z had done his fair share of taking advantage of the people, as the publicans had been known to do. |
Here's the deal...
Zaccheus' #BIG idea blessed not only him, but his whole family! It can be the same for you!
As hard to believe as it may be to you now, I want to let you know that #IMPACT is in you! What's that dream you can't seem to break away from? What's that nagging, persistent drive that follow you to every destination? That's purpose!
Did you know that our lives were created with purpose attached to it? Chosen people? More like designated people. Designated by the Creator, Himself to carry out his desire for humanity while on the earth. |
For Zaccheus, his impact was felt first among his family members. Right there, at home. The bible tells us, that
"...A prophet is not without honor, but in his own country, and among his own kin, and in his own house." (Mark 6:4) For Zaccheus, his #BIG idea, benefited his house, first. But life has a way of your own country, kin and house being the last to believe in or even benefit from your #BIG idea. |
What Next???
Two words..."I press..." In a famous passage of scripture, the Apostle Paul says of past accomplishments and failures, that he pressed toward the finality of his life's purpose: "the high calling of God in Christ Jesus." (Philippians 3:14)
Wanna know the hard part about being a person impact (Dreamer)? It's the work involved! The tilling up of fallow ground of doubters and competition, gaining strength to subdue self doubt and merely keeping your perspective clear of distractions and detractors. It gets lonely, so you've gotta know that silence at times can reverberate at deafening levels.
Ever heard of noise cancelling headphones? You'll need those,too! Study the word and meditate on it to cancel out the noise drawing you away from the path of purpose. |
"Can you hear me, now?" You hear it, don't you! "You're too small!" You've sinned way too much!" Who in their right mind would ever listen to you, you're simply not believable!" "You're too old...not old enough!" The list goes on, but so does the overcoming!
The bible is replete with examples to fit your scenario! Who says you can't go home? Nehemiah went home and rebuilt the walls of Jerusalem with the help of a foreign King. How big is #BIG to you? Have you properly assessed your mission? Many missions fall by the wayside because we fail to valuate its #Impact. |
You've Got the Win!
During my interview with Tina Campbell, she said something that struck me. She recounted how she'd been challenged spiritually on the "An Evening with Tina Campbell" tour. She recalled feelings of wanting to give up and simply not wanting to continue to fight the enemy with each step. Her resolve was strengthened however, knowing that 'she has the win' and that the fight and resistance is indicative of just how #BIG her current assignment is...#DontQuit
You Can Do IT
Elder Hellen Epps of the MorningStar Prayer Center in Fort Worth, Texas signs off her weekly radio broadcast with this: "I can, you can, we can...what can we do? All things through Christ that strengtheneth us!"
Do you believe that? I certainly do and I think you should as well. You're looking at my #BIG idea! You're here, right here at the SoulProsper Media Group and SoulProsper Radio. This is my leap of faith! This is my press beyond insecurity and a tight clasp on the vision that remains yet for an appointed time. (Hab. 2:2) |
Each day isn't easy and comes with its own unique brand of challenges. I wake up each morning climbing the mountain situated atop the valley of purpose and possibility.
Miley Cyrus sang a song that perfectly encapsulates the uphill journey people of impact face. Face it, you must and at all cost! What's there to lose? Often we ask the question ignorantly with only a negative perception. What's there to gain? You've got a lot to gain. For starters, confidence! What happens when dreamers go 'confidently in the direction of their dreams'? What happens when the word 'no' is transformed into 'no stopping me'? |
...It's the Climb!
There's always gonna be another mountain
I'm always gonna wanna make it move
Always gonna be an uphill battle
Sometimes I'm gonna have to lose
Ain't about how fast I get there
Ain't about what's waitin' on the other side
It's the climb
I'm always gonna wanna make it move
Always gonna be an uphill battle
Sometimes I'm gonna have to lose
Ain't about how fast I get there
Ain't about what's waitin' on the other side
It's the climb