First off, let me say how good it feels to be back home writing for SP Radio! I've come a long way since 2012 and have done so's hard to keep up with, sometimes! Everything used to emanate from this web space, now I have a radio site, a news site, a site about me and a site for my books. That'll make your head spin and keeps mine on a swivel...yet, here I am. I'm back in the radio space because I had to start all over again! Yep, you heard that right..I had to start ALL OVER AGAIN! Following a dispute with my stream host, my station was deleted from their server with no backup! Yep, five years of service with a stream host gone in mere seconds! I wouldn't have known had I not seen the message come through on my phone as I was walking through my bedroom. I glanced at it and went into immediate panic! I logged in and everything was gone as if it was never there! I couldn't believe top it off, this is how I spent the first moments of my 38th birthday...chasing the ghost of my station! Because the hosting company is in England, I was able to reach out to them before going to bed. As it turns out, they didn't like the way I handled my gripe about an ongoing billing issue! In fact, they hated it so much that they deleted my station "per my request" in the email. Oh, and did I mention that the stream that powered my app was also lost when my station was deleted. I would have to completely rebuild the app to replace what I had. Remember when I told artists to make sure that their songs were tagged when I got them? Well, as a professional courtesy, I tagged the music to make sure that they got royalty payments for when the song played but that is gone, too! As I reload all this wonderful music, there's a great deal that many of the songs won't make the cut because frankly, I don't want to do that again! Even worse, there are so many songs in the library that come in without cover art...we're not running a sham operation here and I cringe each time I see a song play without cover art...yuck! The problems were many and I'm still wading through about eight years of submissions that I'll decided whether they make it to the "new" station. To prevent this from happening again, I'm going to save all my playlists regularly...that would have been a snap to rebuild the station playlist by playlist instead of song by song. This is like individually planting seeds for a Chia Pet...painstaking and somewhat an exercise in futility! I feel defeated, but I've got work to do! Lord knows I wanted to punch somebody but there was nobody to blame but myself! The first lesson of my 38th year alive was one that I have long grappled words have power. It's not like the old "watch what you say" kind of stuff...for some reason, when I voice my disdain or call something/someone out, it gets the worse reaction out of people. I don't know why but I'm trying to harness the power of my words so I don't lose anything else... So yeah, day one of 38 was sitting stuck at the computer trying to wrap my head around exactly how I would proceed. I even prayed and asked the Lord about was perfect! There was nothing left to do except spend my energy on something else. There was nothing to shut down, nothing to delete, nothing to email and was all gone within minutes. That was, until I thought the people whose shows run each week on the station and the wonderful people that choose to listen. I thought about all of you and decided to build...AGAIN! See the first picture? This was the happiest time of broadcasting, I was in the running for Internet Radio Station of the Year and thanks to all of your support, we made it to the final preliminary round. You see that second picture? That was the same year...I actually won the Prayzefactor Broadcaster of the Year Award. So, there's a lot that goes into the work I do at SP Radio and I can't let it be erased. Not for me...not for you! This work is not for naught! I see it each week when broadcasters from all over and from all experience levels make sure I have their shows in time to air for you! I can't let you down and I won't! That being said, I picked up and song by song, playlist by playlist, I began to rebuild. I wasn't completely satisfied with the other options out there and in a matter of a few weeks, I tried more than a few. I wasn't happy so I did some sleuthing and found a stream host I'm satisfied with enough to call home (again)! We're back up and running fully...some of my favorite tracks are not even on my hard drives and I'll have to spend the time to re-upload them, but that's ok. It's all part of the goodness of this journey. The rebuild was a good time to re-brand, too. Not a complete re-brand but to switch things up a more hanging out in the middle of the pack. We're rewarding our listeners with an even better experience than before! It's been a challenging month of changes and truth be told, we're not completely back to where we were before we lost our station, but we learned so much more about hosting since August 13th and we're in a much better place of programming because of it. So...tell everybody you know that we're new and improved! SP Radio JAMZ is here for the long haul and we're playing all the music you love! Got new music we need to hear? Send it to: [email protected]. |

Yea, and all that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution. 2 Timothy 3:12
I've got rights, right?
The main premise brought up in the Kim Davis conversation is persecution. By definition, it is actually insubordination and worthy of a recall vote. Too much? Five days in jail is also overkill, in case anyone is interested. Here's the deal, what you're seeing play out is a gross misinterpretation of scripture on Davis' part. While not defending the newly awarded right to gay marriage, Davis is also free to express her belief in God that decries gay sex and forbids gay marriage. The two intersect across the counter in her office but what shouldn't be lost in all of this is citizen rights. Davis does NOT have to approve of the gay marriages validated by her signature, but she does have to fulfill the responsibilities laid out in her job description.
Upon clocking in, Davis is at work for the people she serves in that county, not only those she worships with at church. In practicality Davis, whose marriage license refusal works to her discredit could benefit from a resignation. Unencumbered by her job as an elected official, she could work like Madelyn Murray O'Hair and campaign against gay marriage right there in Rowan County. O'Hair's infamous ruling eliminated corporate prayer in schools.
The fruit of the righteous is a tree of life; and he that winneth souls is wise. Proverbs 11:30
In this climate, believers everywhere are going to have to seek the wisdom of God almighty when faced with circumstances like this. It will no longer be enough to operate with a religious understanding. Believers must know what God is saying in every situation and about every situation in order to face a maddened public, dissuaded against Christ. If Davis has such a problem with the ruling as it pertains to her job as an elected official, she is compelled to resign. Perhaps she could join up with the Westboro Baptist (also in Kentucky) protesters, wherever they are these days. On a serious note and with both religious and secular methods considered, here are four options for Kim Davis in lieu of denying marriage licenses:
- Consult with the County leadership on the matter and come to a compromise somehow
- Resign and wash her hands of it altogether
- Pray and ask God for guidance before doing or saying anything else
- Ask God for provisions as she would then be jobless following her resignation
What ever happened to evangelism? Davis came in contact with people who needed to hear the convicting gospel she stands by each day. What did she do with that opportunity? Even believers have been torn since the story broke, not sure how to balance the word with everyday legal matters. You can't legislate morality and with each ruling that goes against the word, believers must understand the new burden to evangelize and immediately pick up the slack. This includes increased vocality when there was previously no need to speak out, providing input to buffer throngs of advocates for godless agendas like the removal of the 10 Commandments or the placement of yet another Bophamet statue.
County Clerk Kim Davis is not alone in this madness, however. In 2012 Texas Judge Tonya Parker, a lesbian came under fire for her unwillingness to perform heterosexual weddings in Dallas County. The judge didn't back down and was not reprimanded. To add insult to injury, Parker was re-elected in 2014 and is currently serving her latest term which expires in 2018. Parker is just as wrong as Davis and deserves some level of punishment or professional reprimand for her contribution to the hate filled drama played out in public office.
All in all, this isn't about belief, it's about adherence to what the law says. What about the muslim who won't ring up ham or the pro-life cashier who refuses the purchase of contraceptives? Don't think that's relevant? Continue to celebrate Kim Davis and you'll run into that sooner than later. Again...what happened to evangelism? Are believers tethered to their professions and church affiliations, only? Does your relationship with God exist outside of work and church? Can Kim Davis shine the light of Christ as County Clerk whose signature validates gay marriages in her county? If your answer is no, perhaps your expression of God needs a retouch and enlightenment.
This isn't a "God is love" or grace to all end all. This is a new question that the Lord has already answered (wise as serpents, harmless as doves. Matthew 10:16). Is the body of Christ listening? Is God calling believers off their jobs? NO and run very far away from any semblance of that message! If Davis won't resign, she's got to be forced out. How many souls are saved with her defiance? Believers can't rule out God's ability to be glorified even when adherence to His laws are seemingly trampled on.
In this blog, you will hear from Fred directly about a broad variety of subjects. Though Fred normally expresses his thoughts in his columns, he has created this space to share his most intimate thoughts concerning everyday life!
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